Affiliate Welcome
Welcome to the Calvert Marketing Group Affiliate Welcome Page
Please make sure you save this page or bookmark it for quick reference. To do this, click here.
We’ll be covering a lot in this page so its recommended you go ahead and bookmark this page.
Step 1: You came to this page after registering to become an affiliate but in case you didn’t, check your email.
You should have already received an email that looks similar to this:
If you didn’t get an email, please be sure to check your spam folder before submitting a support ticket.
However, if you did check the spam folder, please proceed to Step 2.
Also, please note the URL at the bottom of the screenshot ( is the system generated affiliate login page and is correct.
Step 2: Before you login to your affiliate center, watch this video.
I cannot stress enough NOT to use the Calvert Marketing Group Core Affiliate Program Links!
Please make sure you use only the $100 Bill Drop Card Affiliates or MLM Training Club links, and also TEST your affiliate links before promoting or submitting a support ticket.
As long as your affiliate link is going to the MLM Training Club, or the $100 Drop Cards, it is working properly.
Step 3: Login to your affiliate center.
Use the username and password from the email you received to login.
You should have already received this email in Step 1, but if you didn’t please check your spam folder before visiting the support portal to submit a ticket.
Don’t worry – you will be able to change your password 🙂
Once you login, select the link at the top that says My Profile.
From here you can update contact information and change your password.
Below are the password requirements so please refer to this before creating a password.
Step 4: Get familiar with your affiliate area and read all of the documentation, especially the Terms of Service, before creating a support ticket.
Step 5: Click here to open a ticket.
Opening a ticket at the Calvert Marketing Group Support Portal will ensure your emails don’t get labeled as spam, and is recommended rather than sending an email because there is support documentation at the portal to help.
However, in the event the support portal is undergoing maintenance or experiencing technical difficulties, you can still send an email to support here.
After you sign up as a registered user, you will then see the Customer Portal to view support documentation and submit tickets.
We recommend reviewing the support documentation before submitting a ticket as that may answer your questions.
By the way, if you have question or experience issues that are not yet provided, please open a support ticket and we will update the documentation.
However, in the event the support portal is undergoing maintenance or experiencing technical difficulties, you can still send an email to support here.
Step 6: Reference the links to the right of this page for quick navigation.
Step 7: We want your feedback. If there’s something we missed, didn’t cover or need to add please create a support ticket here.
Please be patient and courteous if and/or when you are experiencing issues or delays.
Just like you have heard Dale say this many times…
If money can fix it, it is not a problem.